TEKSTAR digital arts program
TEKSTAR launched in 2013 with a festival of art, light and sound. Taking place over ten days in the three iconic northern rivers townships of Byron Bay, Uki and Lismore, and included a week of digital arts workshops and showcase events in each town, bringing together regional digital artists with national and international guests.
Visit the tekstar 2013 website for the full program.
TEKSTAR continues as an ongoing program of regional arts development, with digital arts workshops, master classes, and special events that create opportunities for regional audiences and artists to engage in the evolving fields of new media and digital arts, and promotes networking and collaboration amongst those interested in creativity and technology. Most recently we hosted international artists FILASTINE AND NOVA for a two day workshop and showcase, thanks to a Regional Arts Quick Response Grant.
Upcoming programs:
We will be running ongoing master classes in A/V and a series of workshops on 'getting the most out of your technology for creatives"
Express you interest in participating, and/or join Kulchajam as an artist member to be informed of future opportunities.
Tekstar: highlights of the program